Give us feedback

Your feedback provides us a valuable opportunity to review our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services, and to make changes where necessary.


What can you provide feedback on?

Engage in discussions, let your thoughts bloom in surveys, and cast your vote in quick polls. Here, your creativity becomes the catalyst, sparking waves of change and transformation. Help us by providing your valuable feedbacks on upcoming renovation projects, suburbs buildings and inovation.


    How to provide feedback?

    Paint your thoughts, carve your sentiments, and weave your stories on the District Engage platform. our feedback doesn't merely find a destination here; it becomes a part of the journey, enriching the collective narrative of progress. 

    Click here to start participating.


    What happens next?

    Once your valuable feedback finds its way to us, it embarks on a transformative journey. We don't merely collect it; we cradle it, nurture it, and immerse ourselves in its essence. Your words become the compass guiding our path of refinement, as we delve into the intricate layers of your insights.

    Every piece of feedback is a precious gem, polished by your perspective and cherished as a catalyst for positive change. So rest assured, your voice doesn't just reach us – it resonates within us, igniting a cycle of improvement that shapes the very core of what we do.


    Your feedback provides us a valuable opportunity to review our policies, practices and the way we deliver our services, and to make changes where necessary.

    On this page

      • Complaints policy
        Complaints policy
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