Components style guide

Below you will find an example of all the components available for content types. These components have been styled with responsive mobile first design. 

Need help?

If you notice any issues with styling or functionality, email us with a screenshot and steps to help us recreate the issue.

Table of Components

1. Accordion

7. Dynamic Views

13. Links

2. Basic Content

8. Embed

14. Multi Column

3. Carousel

9. Expandable

15. Steps

4. Content List

10. Featured Links

16. Text on Image

5. CTA

11. Flag

17. Timeline


12. Image Gallery

18. Webform

The Components


This is an Accordion component

The accordion is a graphical control element comprising a vertically stacked list of items. Each item can be "expanded" or "collapsed" to reveal the content associated with that item.

This is an accordion title

Welcome to the realm of boundless creativity and inspiration! In this section, we invite you to explore the endless possibilities that lie within your imagination. Our mission is to ignite the spark of creativity and encourage you to embark on a journey of self-expression and innovation.

Another accordion title

Inner Exploration: Unleash your inner world onto your chosen medium, connecting with emotions and experiences that make you uniquely you.

Another accordion title

Comedy Canvas: Explore the art of laughter painting, where each chuckle adds a splash of colour to your masterpiece.

And another one...

By seeing the world through a humor-tinted lens, you can uncover unexpected angles and viewpoints.

This is a Basic Content component

This Basic Content component and its formatting capabilities are available on most components. It allows the most common formatting capabilities available in most text editors, such as setting header styles, adding icons, tables, viewing the source code and embedding assets. For example, the next line uses a Block Quote:

This is a Block Quote.

For more complex html editing, and depending on your permission levels, this component also allows different text formats such as:

  • Full HTML (set by default)
  • Restricted HTML
  • Basic HTML
  • Raw HTML

Most components will include the use of the Basic Content component. For example, see the Accordion, the Multicolumn, and Steps.


Basic Content: Embedding

You can even embed items without using a separate Embed or Downloads component. Here's are some examples:


Embedding a document

Select the Media Entity Embed icon, choose/upload your file, apply any additional information, then select Embed.

Arts and entertainment
Arts and entertainment
81.34 KB


Embedding an image

Select the Media Entity Embed icon, choose/upload your image, select your desired affects, then select Embed.



Embedding a video

Embedding a Google Map URL

The URL needs to follow this example for the icon to appear:,+VIC/@-37.734388,144.9959202,13z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6ad645b4be63b931:0x5d9e91bc29ba516b!8m2!3d-37.727768!4d145.016269!16zL20vMDJjX3Fu?entry=ttu

Apply your URL to a link, then the link is automatically styled: Google map example.


Basic Content: Header Styles

Header 1

Header 1

Header 2

Header 2

Header 3

Header 3

Header 4

Header 4

Header 5
Header 5
Header 6
Header 6


Basic Content: Button Styles

To apply these button styles, first write your link text, add a link, then select from the Styles drop-down and choose a button.

Primary buttons

Secondary buttons

Click me  No, click me How about me?

Click me  No, click me How about me?


Basic Content: Callout Div Styles

Callout Div styles can be applied by highlighting the desired content, either choose from the Styles dropdown OR choose the DIV</>, button then select the style. 

The Styles dropdown allows for individual line design without icons, whereas the DIV</> button allows styling for the entire selected text, with icons.


Callout - General

By selecting enter or dropping to a new line, turn the top phrase to a Title.

Callout - Contact

Callout -Information

Callout - Alert

Callout - Emergency

Callout - Warning

Callout - Yes

Callout - No

This is a Content List

Content Lists can be used to display a series of hand-picked Events, Venue or Landing pages to describe or support your information. These pages will display the Overview details (Title, Summary and Image) of the page. They're available in 2, 3, and 4 column designs.

If no images or description appear, it means that the Summary and Featured Image has not yet been set for each page.


2-Column Content List

For example,  this list below is a set of venues, displayed in 2 columns.

Traditional Custodians represent the original Aboriginal inhabitants of the area. There are also Elders and people who have come to live and work in the City.

Some building projects need a planning approval as well as a building approval. A private building certifier can tell you if you need a planning approval.

3-Column Content List

For example,  this list below is a set of events, displayed in 3 columns.

Traditional Custodians represent the original Aboriginal inhabitants of the area. There are also Elders and people who have come to live and work in the City.

Embark on a journey to join our dynamic and fulfilling workplace, where challenges fuel growth, positivity ignites progress, and camaraderie thrives.

As part of any resumption project, we are required to undertake site investigations like geotechnical studies, environmental studies and land surveys.

4-Column Content List

For example,  this list below is a set of landing pages, displayed in 4 columns.

Traditional Custodians represent the original Aboriginal inhabitants of the area. There are also Elders and people who have come to live and work in the City.

Apply for any of the listed services online.

Some building projects need a planning approval as well as a building approval. A private building certifier can tell you if you need a planning approval.

Embark on a journey to join our dynamic and fulfilling workplace, where challenges fuel growth, positivity ignites progress, and camaraderie thrives.

This is a CTA

This is a Call-to-Action styled banner that calls the users attention.

This is the CTA title

Add a description here of what you'd like your user to do.

Link Text for the button

This is a Downloads component

This component is used for files such as images, audio, any documentation including TRIM documents. If you update the TRIM document, the file uploaded to this component will also update.


Permitted file types:

 txt rtf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx pdf odf odg odp ods odt fodt fods fodp fodg key numbers pages.


  • Sample text
    Sample text
    6.58 KB
  • Sample doc
    Sample doc
    12.43 KB
  • sample xls
    sample xls
    9.17 KB
  • Sample ppt
    Sample ppt
    29.59 KB
  • Trail brochure
    Trail brochure
    4.37 MB

This is the Dynamic Views component

Dynamic Views allow editors to automatically display an array of pages associated with a tag or part of a menu structure. This display will automatically update if the pages are created , edited, or removed. The page array can also be sorted based on arguments, and can allow website visitors to view more.

Dynamic View: Articles, Latest Block, Includes View Title

This is an Embed

This can be used to display embedded gifs, images and other media.

This is a google maps link

A series of links used to showcase particular URL locations.

This is a Flag component.

Left aligned with the Breakout style. 


Showcase your information with a left or right aligned image with accompanying text and link. Flags are only available on Landing pages.

Recommended character count:

200 for Description
80 for Link text

Recommended image dimensions:

840 x 640 px for Style/Breakout
600 x 400 px for Style/Default

Flag component

Using the Style/Default, Image Position/Left
600 x 400 px for Style/Default


Flag component

Using the Style/Default, Image Position/Right
600 x 400 px for Style/Default

This is the Multi Column

The Multi Column component allows you to display your content using more than 1 column, in fact, it comes in 2, 3 or 4 columns, similar to the Carousel which includes the 3:2 ratio, 1:1 ratio featured image that can be set. You can have any number of "cards" in the Multicolumn.

Recommended character limits: 

40 title

100 description

Recommended image dimensions:

3:2 resizes images to exactly 384 x 256 px (previously labelled as Default)

1:1 allows any size up to 600 x 600 px (previously labelled as Small)

This is the Multi Column using 2 columns

I love cheese, especially emmental taleggio. Gouda bocconcini pepper jack macaroni cheese cheese triangles cheeseburger lancashire emmental. Stilton stilton port-salut blue castello cheese and biscuits mozzarella dolcelatte cheese and biscuits. Mozzarella parmesan.


I love cheese, especially who moved my cheese jarlsberg. Rubber cheese edam rubber cheese gouda emmental queso ricotta cheese on toast. Airedale croque monsieur brie fromage frais cheesy grin monterey jack cow cheesy feet. Fondue stinking bishop bocconcini edam cheeseburger jarlsberg cheese strings taleggio. Red leicester.

This is the Multi Column using 3 columns

Cheesy feet stilton boursin. Cream cheese parmesan airedale bavarian bergkase paneer everyone loves taleggio chalk and cheese. Fromage frais who moved my cheese caerphilly parmesan cheesy grin cheeseburger pepper jack babybel. Cottage cheese feta cheesy grin edam melted cheese.

Taleggio bavarian bergkase squirty cheese. Camembert de normandie halloumi halloumi cheese slices cream cheese stilton everyone loves rubber cheese. Mozzarella melted cheese when the cheese comes out everybody's happy who moved my cheese smelly cheese feta who moved my cheese cheese slices. Taleggio cheese on toast hard cheese.

Goat cheese and wine brie. Cheesy feet everyone loves cauliflower cheese fondue melted cheese halloumi swiss cheese and biscuits. Pecorino fondue cheese on toast bocconcini brie goat who moved my cheese fromage frais. St. agur blue cheese halloumi.

This is the Multi Column using 4 columns

Monterey jack taleggio gouda. Cheesy feet airedale croque monsieur airedale dolcelatte smelly cheese chalk and cheese cheese strings. Feta fromage frais danish fontina fromage frais edam roquefort danish fontina brie. Cauliflower cheese queso brie macaroni cheese boursin cheesecake parmesan.

Cauliflower cheese monterey jack cream cheese. Danish fontina rubber cheese cheese and wine goat halloumi mascarpone cheddar croque monsieur. Cow paneer jarlsberg emmental queso fromage cheese strings cheese strings. Gouda croque monsieur fondue babybel cheesy grin the big cheese caerphilly.

Macaroni cheese stinking bishop pepper jack. Cream cheese cheesy feet when the cheese comes out everybody's happy hard cheese roquefort lancashire bocconcini monterey jack. Cheese and wine cheese and biscuits melted cheese smelly cheese ricotta mascarpone when the cheese comes out everybody's happy pepper jack. Cottage cheese say cheese.


Babybel feta say cheese. Boursin smelly cheese smelly cheese feta feta rubber cheese mascarpone cheese on toast. Babybel cottage cheese croque monsieur babybel bocconcini smelly cheese cheese strings edam. Goat monterey jack cheese strings.

This is the Steps component

Steps are used for instructional processes. The numbers are automatically applied with every new Text and Title.

  1. First title of the first step

    Blue castello camembert de normandie red leicester. Hard cheese edam cheese triangles cheese and wine fromage feta caerphilly dolcelatte. Pepper jack danish fontina fromage frais cheesy grin pecorino cheese and biscuits paneer chalk and cheese. 

  2. Second title of the second step

    Cheese slices queso smelly cheese. Cheese slices cut the cheese ricotta hard cheese monterey jack fondue cheesy grin rubber cheese. 

    • Dolcelatte croque monsieur
    • cheesy feet
    • fromage frais
    • fondue
    • cottage cheese

    Caerphilly, bocconcini. Taleggio cheese and biscuits monterey jack red leicester cheesecake fromage frais cheddar.

  3. Third step with no title, this is written the description.

This is the H2 Text on Image

It uses a Basic Content component to deliver this text and formatting. This Text on Image has Content Position/Middle, no link or link text and no image applied. 

Recommended character count

60 for title
180 for description

Recommended image dimensions

1200 x 400 px

This normal Text on Image has the Content Position/Left with an image, link and link text applied.

This normal Text on Image has the Content Position/Right with an image, link and link text applied.

This is a Timeline

Record important sequence of events with the Timeline component. Only available on Landing pages. 

Recommended character count

60 for Title
180 for Description

This is a Webform component.

It can embed any form that has been built in District. You can set the Status of Open, Close or Scheduled to the form submissions or enter more complex arguments using YAML. This particular form uses a field that only displays Darebin-based addresses.